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The Apple HI Alumni (AHA) Page


This page provides pointers to alumni (present and future) of the Apple HI (Human Interface) Community. If you are a current or former employee (or intern, visiting scholar, etc.) of Apple who was a member of the Human Interface community please get in touch. Send me the text for your entry (look at the examples below, and please limit each table cell to 30 words or less), and I'll add it. --Tom Erickson (snowfall@acm.org). There are a variety of other Apple Alumni groups.

Note: This is not intended as a public directory. If you are not an alumnus of the Apple HI Community, we ask that you refrain from contacting the individuals below unless a) they state they are an independent consultant or contractor, or b) you are personally known to them. Thanks.

Acknowledgement: The concept for this page was appropriated from Don Gentner, who developed a similar page for Alumni of the LNR Research Group at UC San Diego.


AHA Folks

This table created on 1/20/05 at 3:18 PM

Contact Apple History Now Last Update
Jay van Achterberg
President, Solution Innovators
HIG Summer intern '91, provided C++ programming on Scribe (electronic notebook). Computer Consulting in the Hartford, CT area as founder and president of Solution Innovators LLC, providing web design, custom software development and networking services geared toward small businesses. 9/9/01
sally ann applin
conceptual architecture / interaction design
ATG: The Virtual Museum '91 - '92 (cd's still available!); PIE: WALT (screen based telephone '92-'93), Apple Media Tool '93 - '94, Interactive television '94, Newton Wireless '94. Independent consultant in Palo Alto. Pursuing 2nd career as fine artist. Last show at Xerox Parc, Jan - March '98. 3/8/99
Jose Arcellana
user interface designer
Instructional Products 1988-1995, HIDC/HIG 1995-1999. Help, assistants, high-level tool box, new directions; 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, X. Joined PeopleSoft, Inc., in 2001/06. 9/6/01
Michael Arent
User Experience Manager
925 694-4159 W
510 684-6071 H
HIG: '88-'93. Projects: Apple II Video Card UI; Iduna (HyperCard for Apple II); CHI Kiosk; Family Farm; AppleScript User Assistance; QuickTime 1.0 UI; Ansel Camera; Popeye (portable CD-ROM information player). Managing the user experience group for PeopleSoft Financial Management
Adam Baker
User Interface Designer
+1 416 732 0085
WWDR User Experience Evangelism intern 2002-2003. Aqua HIG, UE documentation, and sprinkled Mac OS X HI contributions. At Research In Motion working on next-generation BlackBerry wireless products. 5/20/04
Sue Bartalo
Human Interface Designer
(650) 854-5432
1988-1993: developer in the International system software group. 1993-2001: UI designer for OpenDoc, PowerBooks, International, many system software releases, and most recently, Aqua. UI designer in the Applications group (part-time). 1/2/02
Leo Baschy
DSG 1989-1991. Discipline 2.0, Macsbug 6.2. HI innovation: 1989/90 designed Apple DocViewer from scratch (on my own time). ATG Vivarium 1991. Designed MicNotePad (was MicMac) speech recording and transcription software, ran that business. Some consulting around speech recognition. Main interest in mind-boggling gui (for development environments), recent focus on access control for collaborative environments. 4/15/02
Penny Bauersfeld
Varsity Networks
HIG '88 - '91. Projects: Color interfaces, 3D interfaces, interfaces for designers, interdisciplinary design. In 2003, co-founded Varsity Networks, specializing in web sites and services for high school sports teams. I manage design, customer relations, training and support, among other things. Also do occasional usability consulting for loyal clients. 1/13/05
Rachel Bellamy
Interaction Designer
(914) 784-7587
ACOT 1993-95. Design Studio, 95-96. Learning Communities lab, 96-97. At IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, in NY, since March 1998. 5/26/98
Pete Bickford
Interface Designer
(408) 266-6883
Almost nine years at Apple, most recently as Sr. Scientist, Human Interface for Dev. Consulting. Left in March. Currently heading Human Computing, an independent human interface consultancy and software development firm. 6/16/00
Elizabeth Boling
Associate Professor
Indiana University
Instructional Products G/FX Manager '88 - '92; manager for visual interface design, animation, engineering and production management of Mac Tour Disks, HyperCard Reference, System 7.0 Reference, Balloon Help, Apple Guide Associate Prof. & Dept. Chair of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University. Teach visual & media design for instructional & information products; lead Interface Interest and Research Group (IIRG!) 1/18/00
Tom Bonura
Speech interaction design
and programming
ATG '87-2004: Intelligent Systems Program - A flexible manufacturing configuration system, agent architectures, an architecture for finding structured information in unstructured text and arbitrary content, integrating speech recognition and the GUI, MacOSX screen reader. Left Apple in November 2004, and considering what to do next. 12/16/04
Edwin Bos
Yahoo! Europe
ATG '93 - '95, visiting scholar and contractor. I mainly worked on KidSim with Allen Cypher and Dave Smith. Went to Apt Productions after leaving ATG, helped them burn through $7 million in VC money and make only 2 educational CDs. Now user experience architect at Yahoo! Europe in London. 8/27/04
Tom Brinck
Diamond Bullet Design
Summer Intern 87, 88, 89. Part-timer 89-90 while in school. Vivarium (working on Project Seed), then Business Learning Research (Mr. Fix-it). Tom co-founded Diamond Bullet Design in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1996. He now leads website design projects and does usability consulting. 10/25/98
Kevin Bury
User Interface Designer
Claris Interface Design Group, January 1996 through December 1997. UI design for ClarisWorks 5, Claris Home Page 2 and 3, and several other products that never saw the light of day. Inventor of the Claris Reanimatron. Now at Yahoo. 4/3/04
Randy Carr
Software Guy

12 Apple years, since '82: Service: Apple // diagnostics; NSD: Inter*Poll, NodeCheck, etc.; System Software: Balloon Help, Apple Guide stuff; PIE: WALT (screen telephone); Portables: Autoremounter, etc.; Apple-Kalieda: ScriptX, COS; etc Inventor/ implementor for NavShell at PowerTV (AKA Kalieda). NavShell's an XML-derived, Javascript-driven, UI/ application development environment for settop boxes, such as the SA Explorer series. Someday we may ship it too! 8/20/01
Cesar Carrera
3D Visual Designer
Worked on OS X from 98 to 2001 defining the UI visual design (Aqua). I concentrated on the new high-resolution photorealistic 3D icons. Now developing 3D interfaces and designing visual identity at NVIDIA Corporation. 1/15/05
Ted Casey
HIG, QuickTime VR 1992-96, SweetPea UI, QuickTime VR v1.0-2.0, Star Trek Interactive Technical Manual, NBC News O.J. Simpson Trial, SF Asian Art Museum virtual tour C0-founder and SVP Corporate Development, GoFish Technologies Inc. (www.gofish.com.) 12/28/04
Jenifer Chaffee
Visual Interface Design
Mouse Works Media
Developer Tools '91-'92: AppleScript appearance and icons. HIDC '93-'95: Open Doc appearance and interface; System 8 appearance, themes, icons; etc. Claris Interface Design Group '95-'96, Art Director, Claris Organizer 2.0 appearance. Part owner and principal designer of Mouse Works, a Visual Interface Design consulting business in Santa Cruz, California. Please see the Mouse Works website for portfolio and more info: http://www.mouseworksmedia.com 4/4/02
Michael Chen
1987-1995. ATG HIG, 3D user interfaces, Apple Science CD Volumn I, notebook applications for pen computer, digital camera prototypes , Asian Art Museum of San Francisco virtual tour (http://www.asianart.org/exhibit_virt.htm), and QuickTime VR" Now working at a startup. 2/16/99
Lili Cheng
Human Interface Designer
HIG/ATG: '92--Russian Palace project with Mike Mills and Laura Teodosio, '93--QuickVR with Eric Chen, '94--Quicktime Conferencing with Eric Hoffert and Dean Blackketter. Microsoft Research: '95-present-- Social Computing Group (http://research.microsoft.com/scg/). Also have 3 boys, Nicky (7) and Julian (5) and Ely (1). 12/27/01
Harry Chesley
Apple history: Apple 86-94, ATG 88-90. In ATG: Apple HyperCard Toolkits (serial port -- including HyperBBS; MacTCP -- including a Usenet news reader; videodisc; etc.), Blipverts, Rumor Monger. Post Apple: Shockwave at Macromedia; Virtual Worlds/Social Computing Group at Microsoft Research. Now developing independent software. 12/27/01
Jonathan Cohen
HIG 1989-1994. Projects: Dynamic Documents/Quicktime, Transition Factory, Using sounds to monitor background activities. Since 1999, consulting as a programmer (Java, C++, Director/Lingo, Flash) and UI designer. Projects included museum exhibits, website coding, various prototypes, and a couple of shrink-wrapped digital video apps. 11/13/02
Eric Cooper
ATG (intern, then full-time) from '90 to '97. HIG '90: prototyping "How DoI..." help. ACOT/LTG: artificial life, media-rich collaboration, wireless, GPS, GIS, etc. Left in March. Learning in Motion, Santa Cruz. Bringing research projects to product. Working on 2nd generation CSILE (Knowledge Forum), and on several other projects from science outreach to K-2 math education. 12/8/97
Larry Cornett
User Interface Design

I was with Apple's Human Interface Group from 5/95 - 2/98. I initially worked as the HI lead for the International system software group, then served as the Finder HI lead for both the Mac OS and Rhapsody. Currently at eBay managing a design and development team. Also, principal of MindSpan Design, providing consulting services to support the design, development, and evaluation of software user interfaces. 12/28/04
David Cortright
Claris Interface Design Group: Aug. 1996 - Jan. 1998 UI designer for Emailer 2.0 and many terminated projects: Organizer and Emailer for Windows, Impact Japanese, BizMaker. Lead Program Manager at Microsoft on the Entourage:Mac component of Office. Helping to redefine the perception of Microsoft software on the Macintosh. 11/9/00
Helen Cunningham

At Apple 1994-1997, first in ABS then HIDC. Worked on Cyberdog for two years (Great Product. I'm still using it daily). Then a few months on Rhapsody. At Sun Microsystems since 1/98. Working on scalable UI for complex server and storage management systems. Doing some research in 3D visualization methods. 12/9/99
Dave Curbow
Interaction Designer
'90-'92 Development Systems Group (ResEdit, MPW, AppleScript and various development environments). Early member of WHIM, one of many authors of Macintosh HI Guidelines. Transferred to Sysems SW as HI architect for OpenDoc ('92-'96). ATG Discourse Architecture Lab in '96, laid off March '97. At NASA Ames Research. Exploring component software technology (ala OpenDoc) plus ideas from Discourse Architecture and Pliant.org to build tools for planing/running missions to Mars, etc. Mix in Linux, open source and ubiquitious computing. 7/11/03
Allen Cypher
Software Designer
'88-'97 ATG, Intelligent Interfaces group. Created Eager (an early intelligent agent), edited a book on Programming by Demonstration, created Cocoa (aka KidSim) with David C. Smith. Director of Tools at Kanisa, Inc. Web-based customer support, using knowledge-based document retrieval. 1/4/02
Lisa Louise Davis
Usability & UI Design Consultant
(206) 725-6369
Intern, employee, & consultant with UAD/HIDC 1993-99. Apple Network Administrator Toolkit, Location Manager, Password Security, Energy Saver, Control Panel Guidelines, FireWire Guidelines, etc. After six years as a UI design consultant, Lisa has recently joined Tangis, a Seattle-based startup company that designs software for wearable computers. She and her husband have two small children. 1/4/02
Anke de Jong
strategic/industrial/interaction design
Worked with the Industrial Design Group on Sparky, Otis, multi media keyboard, remote controls, etc.. Also: Extensions Mngr 4.0 and up, concept for sound controls, Performa guided tour, etc., etc. Independent consultant. My company, Ruby slippers, is based in Palo Alto and is part of a "confederation" (see "free agent nation") with MindSlippers, aka Larry Cornett (ex UI lead on Finder 8.5). 8/6/01
Chris DiGiano
Research Computer Scientist
HIG Summer '91. Project: Telespace (direct manipulation complement
to voice operated business phone).
Chris is a senior researcher at SRI's Center for Technology in Learning; he telecommutes to Menlo Park from Boulder CO. He designs and implements educational software and virtual learning communities. 1/2/02
Abbe Don
Senior Experience Design Researcher
Consumer Applications & Systems
HP Labs

ATG: In 1988, I started as a summer intern working on the Guides Project. I added first person video stories. From 1989 to 1992, the project was directed by Tim Oren in the Information Architecture and Access Group. I have my own interface design consulting business. Was founding Executive Producer for Electric Minds. Continuing a dual career as interface designer and independent media artist. 12/31/04
Paul Dourish
Software architecture
I worked in the Discourse Architecture Laboratory in ARL from August 1996 until May 1997. After three years at Xerox PARC, joined the faculty in Information and Computer Science at UC Irvine in 2000. 11/4/00
Terri Ducay
Manager, Claris Interface
Design Group
Manager: Claris Interface Design Department. 1995 - 1999. Responsible for the User Interface for the full range of Claris products. Directing User Experience for Communication Products AOL/Time Warner. Located in the Mt. View/Netscape campus. Co-Director and teacher for Media Department at California Collage of Arts and Crafts (CCAC). 12/28/01
Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson
User Experience
OpenDoc; Hardware; sound; QuickTime core components and QuickTime Player; QuickTime Streaming Server, RAdmin and other networking user interfaces; Design Awards 1996-2000. Design partner for Kinoma, Inc., a small software/hardware architecture group in Palo Alto formed June 2002. Fun! Still teaching design and multimedia at University of San Francisco (since 1991) and UC-Santa Cruz Art+Media (since 1998). 11/5/02
Jesse Ellenbogen
interaction design / usability testing
ATG HIG intern '92, Newton & PowerBook usability testing '93, eWorld '94-'95 Leading DashJack iPod/car integration startup. Also occasional freelance usability testing, specializing in handheld devices. 12/22/04
Tom Erickson
Interaction Design & Research
HIG 88-92; ATG HI 93-97 (UEAO; UEL; DAL). Projects: Publish - Subscribe; Rosebud (precursor to AppleSearch); Scribe (electronic notebook); 3D speech and gesture interface; et al. (see home page). Tom telecommutes from Minneapolis to IBM's NY lab. He studies and network-mediated group communication systems, and is exploring the use of minimalist graphical representations of online activity called social proxies. 1/1/02
Bill Fernandez
Consulting User Interface Architect
Bill Fernandez Design
(505) 346-3080
Apple's first employee (Woz, Jobs and Markkula were the first "employers"). Hardware-related work for Apple 1 & 2, Mac 128K, etc. UI design for HyperCard, System 7, Finder, QuickTime, AppleScript, Ofoto, AppleFax, AppleScan, etc. UI consultant based in Albuquerque with clients across the country. Most contracts are for web design, but also doing strategic business consulting. On board of directors of NM Information Technology and Software Association. 12/22/04
Nancy Frishberg
650.786.0409 (w)
At Apple from Su'93 - Sp '96 as a contractor in System Software, and Licensing Program Manager in Newton I'm currently the Evangelist for User Centered Software Design: I like what I'm doing (largely internally focused communication to/from Engineering and Marketing), but want a new name for it. 7/20/03
Pabini Gabriel-Petit
Principal & User Experience Architect
Spirit Softworks
(831) 809-0992
1992-93: Human Interface Engineer in Enterprise Systems Division of Apple. Designed user interfaces for networking products, including Apple Internet Router. 2000-02: User Experience Manager at WebEx. Designed online meeting & collaboration software. 2003-04: Spirit Softworks, a user-experience design consultancy in Silicon Valley, specializing in the design of desktop & Web applications. 5/5/04
Mitchell Gass
uLab | PDA
+1 510 525-6864 (work)
Developer Technical Publications, Instructional Products, and engineering groups as employee and contractor 87-98. MPW, Family Farm, Apple Events and AppleScript, Pen Macintosh, PowerShare, Apple Media Tool, and QuickTime. Independent usability research and design consultant based in Berkeley, CA since 11/00 12/22/04
Bill Gaver
Interaction Design and Research
HIG '87 - '88, intern & contractor. In the mid-90's I consulted and received support for the Schedule Project at the RCA. Bill is a Senior Research Fellow at the Computer Related Design department at the Royal College of Art in London. I'm currently working on a number of projects producing speculative designs for electronic projects, including, especially, one looking at 'ludic' technology for homes. 11/9/00
Don Gentner
Human Interface Designer
A/UX 1989-92. A/UX was the Macintosh interface and Finder running on top of UNIX. How's that for the past being father to the future? Don went to Sun Microsystems, where he worked on nomadic computing and was lead designer for HotJava Views. He was also project lead for "Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines". Don is now retired. 1/4/02
Rob Girling
UI designer
425 706 9559
ATG HIG Intern 92. Winner of the 92 Student Interface Design Competition, and Finalist in 93. Joined Microsoft in 93. UI designer for MSOffice 95 & 97. Designer of 'Allegiance' online multiplayer game. Design Manager for Windows XP. Currently working on graphics technologies for future Windows releases. 12/27/01
Kate Gomoll
HIG ATG 1988-90; Instructional Products 1991. Manager, HIG & User Studies, Taligent 1992. Projects: Online help research, speech interfaces, AppleGuide help development, usability testing, workshops on user-centered design. Kate started her own consulting business in 1992. Gomoll Research & Design, Inc. is a consulting firm specializing in user-centered interface design. We're based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 10/29/97
Tom Gomoll
Interface Design,
Usability, + Research
Instructional Products 1988-89. Manager, User-aided Design Group 1990-92. Manager, Macintosh Human Interface Group 1992-94
Projects: Pandora "Open-the-Box" study; Happy Mac (plug-and-play Mac); PowerBook user studies + design; Macintosh System Software 7.5 interface; HyperCard manual.
Tom works at Gomoll Research & Design, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in human inteface design and usability for software and emerging technologies. We're doing some cool stuff on medical imaging, interactive TV, and electronic commerce. 10/28/97
Arno Gourdol
Software Designer
Mac Look & Feel 92-93: intern on PenMac (a pen-based Mac). HIPC/Muse 94-97: Maxwell, open and save, document model, assistance, contextual menus... 96-96: lead HI engineer for Mac OS 8 (Finder, appearance...) After a brief return to the land of fine wine and ripe cheese, I'm back at Apple teaching amazing new tricks to the Finder. 4/14/98
Mike Graves
Research & Systems Design
ATG 1989 to 1991: Collaborative Desktop project (*Chorus*). Apple University 1991 to 1994: NNable and Electronic Campus. ATG 1994 to 1997: India Healthcare Project and Need2Know CTO at ConceptLabs (www.conceptlabs.net) 11/4/00
Sally Grisedale
Senior Director Product Design
Yahoo, Sunnyvale California
(h) 650 298 9565
Interface Design Input to following projects: 93 - Reminders, Lucretia, Tea; 94 - 3Desque (Mac OS with shadows); 95 - India HealthCare Project; 96 - Project X - navigable meta space; 97 - Managed Interaction Design Team, Big Table Project 1998 Interaction Design Director, Studio Archetype
1999 Senior User Interface Designer, Excite Corp.
Dan Gruen
Cognitive Science/
User Experience Design
(617) 693-5786
Observational research and field studies on everyday activities and interruptions with folks at ATG while getting my PhD in Cognitive Science at UCSD under Don Norman. Research Scientist at Lotus working with stories in design, synchronous groupware, portable devices, information visualization. Planning a design competition modeled in part on the Apple Design Projects. 1/18/00
alexander grunsteidl
interaction architect
Philip Haine
Interactive Product Designer
Claris Interface Design Group 1994 - 1997 - lead interaction designer. Designed Claris Organizer 2.0 (now Palm Desktop), ClarisImpact, ClarisDraw. Consulted on many more including ClarisEmailer & FileMaker. Founded Obvious Design in 1997, a San Francisco consultancy doing high-end interactive product design. Clients include Gap Inc, Broderbund, Akamai, Palm Computing. www.obviousdesign.com 11/3/00
Austin Henderson
HCI: Design of Socio-
technical practice
+1-650-747-0467 (fax)
Managed the User Interface Laboratory (June 95-April 96), and the Discourse Architecture Laboratory (May 96-March 97). Personal Focus on co-production of activity by people and their machines. President, Rivendel Consulting & Design, Inc., (www.rivcons.com) strategic, system, and interface design. Clients include: Sun, Lante, Sapient, Institute of Design. Also continuing research with the Jed Harris on Pliant Computing (www.pliant.org). 11/4/00
Charlie Hill
User Interface
617 693 5046 (work)
ATG Human Interface Group, then User Experience Research, 92-97. Focused on designing and prototyping coordination environments - tools for managing your activities and interations with others - and hardware-software integration. At Lotus in Cambridge, MA. Product Design Architect for web-based teamware applications. Recently shipped Instant!TEAMROOM 1.5, a rentable browser-based discussion tool for inter-organizational teams. 8/25/98
Avril Hodges
User Centered Design
avril@openwave.com (address failed 12.28.01)
w 650 817 6716
c 650 281 1030
HIG 1987-88, GFX/Instructional Products 1989-91. Mac icons 1987-88, UI design for various Desk Accessories. UI design lead for Hypercard 2.0 Help, Macintosh Basics, Balloon Help, initiated work on designing the font family for Apple Guides. Since 9/99. Manager of usability testing for Openwave worldwide. Design and usability testing of browser and applications for wireless devices. 12/28/01
Pat Holleran
Software Developer
1989-1997. Managed HI groups in Networking & Communications, Enterprise Systems, Collaborative Systems, and the Internet Products Group. Projects included System 7 networking, AppleShare, Apple Remote Access, PowerTalk, Cyberdog, several dozen others. Served as project manager and Engineering Lead on Cyberdog. AT&T Labs, 1998-1999. Now principal, Shannon Technologies, developer of software based on Cocoa, Carbon, Java, and Internet technologies. 1/1/02
Matt Holloway
User Experience/Product Strategies
Was in ATG as design lead on Dewey and helped develop Activity Based Computing paradigms and information appliances. Before ATG, I managed the Apple Business Systems UI team. For the past year I have been consulting with various companies, start-ups and design firms on UX and Product strategies in Health care and consumer products. 2/23/03
Lisa Holzhauser
lisah@pmc.philips.com (address failed 12.28.01)
650.846.4545 (fax)
UAD '90 - '93 & HIDC '93 - '97. Worked mostly on Imaging projects (cameras, scanners, printers, displays) but also on sound and hardware/software integration issues. Reported to be at Intuit as of December 2003. 12/3/03
Stephanie Houde
Product Designer
At Apple I was a member of the Advanced Technology Group. I spent most of my time designing interfaces for multimedia and 3D authoring tools. Now I'm the Director of Product Design at Bitstream, Inc. in Boston. I'm designing a suite of authoring tools for variable, data base driven publishing. 4/19/99
Channing Hughes
Human Interface Designer

Instructional Products (editor, writer, manager, localization manager), 1987-2000. Worked on a wide variety of hardware and software products. AppleWorks team (HI designer, engineering project manager), 2000-2001. Have left IT to pursue a lifelong dream: I'm studying Conservation Biology at the Australian and New Zealand Conversation Laboratories through summer 2005 -- get in touch if you'll be in the area! 11/2/04
Eric A. Hulteen
user interface design
The only member of the Human Interface Group (HIG) from inception (1985) to demise (1993). After HIG I remained in ATG until its termination in September 1997. User interface designer at Mirra, Inc. (www.mirra.com) in Sunnyvale, California. 11/3/04
Scott Jenson
Human Interface Designer
1988-1992 System Software Human Interface (lots of 7.0 work) Started WHIM by having lunch with Annette Wager. 1992-1997 Joined Newton group and worked on designed many of Newton and EMate applications. Living in Minneapolis doing freelance consulting work for consumer electronic and mobile phone companies. Professional site is www.jensondesign.com 12/22/04
Lori Kaplan
UI Designer
1986-1996: UI and documentation for hardware, system software and developer tools. Authored MHIG with the assistance and support of the Apple HI community. Joined Netscape (again) in November '01. Managing the UI design group working on the next generation of browser, email, calendar, IM, and composer products. 12/27/01
Kevin Knabe
Instructional Products 1988-1998. Did usability testing of user manuals and online help. Designed the HI for the Apple Help Viewer. Doing web design and usability work for The Vanguard Group, Valley Forge, PA, plus some freelance work (www.knabedesign.com). 12/28/01
Matthew Leacock
Interaction Designer
Claris Interface Design Group, September 1997 to March 1998. Senior interaction designer for Yahoo! working in the Platform Design Group. Prior to Yahoo! was at Netscape/AOL from 1998 to 2004. 11/19/04
Frank Leahy
Web Tools Engineering
Mr. Menu Manager on the Mac II (86-87); 3 1/2 years on Pink (the project that was always 2 years away) (87-91); ATG HIG on Scribe (91-92); and WALT, the screen-based telephone (92-93). Thursday is my last day at Wired, and Rachel, Nathaniel, Sebastian and I
will be moving to England in early September.
Nicole Leduc
Manager, Voice interface Services, Nuance
Apple History: ATG contractor 1990-95, mostly to HIG and HIDC, doing user studies/usability testing (Ansel, Pippin, Eager, Eiger,and assorted interfaces) and video production. Designing voice user interfaces for speech recognition applications (voice internet/voice browser products) and conducting user research, as well as trouble shooting and consulting. Also having lots of fun! 1/2/02
Ron Lichty
(h) 415-564-2697
Development Tools Product Marketing '88-'89; Apple IIGS HI/engineer/manager '90-'91; Mac Finder manager '91-'94. Projects: Apple IIGS System 6 Finder, et al. Macintosh System 7.1 and 7.5 Finders, et al.; OS 8 Finder. Director of Technology, Razorfish, San Francisco. Previously managed development at Berkeley Systems (screen savers), Fujitsu (WorldsAway), mFactory (mTropolis), and Schwab, and product management at Macromedia (Flex). 1/1/05
Don Lindsay
Windows SW Architect, Microsoft
Joined Speech effort in '94. Lead design on Mac OS 8.5 through 9.x. Last five years spent managing the design team and driving the design for Mac OS X 10.0 through 10.3 Now building a new research and design team in Windows to explore the PC experience post-Longhorn. 12/28/04
Alex Liston
From Jun'91 to Feb'97: ATG HIG, UAD, Taligent HIT, and HIDC. Designing applications for digital set-top boxes at Liberate Technologies. 11/4/00
Frank Ludolph
Interaction design
Lisa '80-'83, ATG '83-'90, Pink '90-'92. Lisa Desktop Manager (Filer), Fabrik end-user programming, Pink desktop Sun Microsystems, iPlanet HCI. Working on web-based applications. 1/2/02
Richard Mander
Human Interface, Interactive Media, and QuickTime Groups. Usability Engineering on future OS, digital cameras, projectors, multimedia, PIMs, and workplace systems. Managed QuickTime VR team through version 2.0, a cross platform API for immersive photo-reality. Principal at Zanzara, a consulting company providing customer research, usability engineering, and interface design to Fortune 500 and startup companies. Recently authored 'Web Usability for Dummies'. 12/27/01
Anne McClard
'93 Intern in HIG. I think I was the first anthropologist hired at Apple, immediately preceeding others (Mimi, Nardi, and Anderson) Projects included the Westin Hotel Study and Reminders. I've finished my ethnographic novel and am looking for a publisher. I am working for a company called Doxus (www.doxus.com) that specializes in strategic market research--still technology focused, still using ethnographic methods. 9/5/02
Tim McCollum
Worked at Apple from 94-97. Worked on AppleShare IP 5.0, Palio, MacOS 8. File Sharing. Later managed the HIDC usability labs; managed the Rhapsody tools group; worked on Rhapsody network administration tools. Working at Hewlett Packard with Don Norman. Defining the next generation of computing devices: information appliances. 3/9/98
Desiree McCrorey
User Interface Architect Extraordinaire
1993 - 1994 Apple's Networking & Communications products (Macintosh Application Environment, Apple Remote Access, etc.) Planning to leave WebMD, considering several offers 2/15/01
Sue McGarry
User Interface Design
smcgarry@apple.com (address failed 12.28.01)
Started in '95. Worked on never-shipping revision to Open Transport control panels. '97, took on Navigation Services. '98, took over the Finder when Larry Cornett left. Still at Apple. Just back from maternity leave. Working on Finder and Nav Services for Mac OS X. 12/28/01
Alison M. Mettler
User Interface Designer
amettler@adobe.com (address failed 12.28.01)
Human Interface Designer in the HIDC and ABS groups from 1994-1997. Projects: HyperCard 3.0, QuickTime, AppleShare Client for Windows, AppleSearch Client for Windows, CD+ Audio Player, Radio Tuner application. User Interface Designer at Adobe Systems since 1997. Projects: Illustrator, ImageReady, and others. 12/28/01
Gordon Meyer
Human Interface Engineer
(408) 974-6951
Instructional Products 1996-present. HI for Apple Help, Tutorials, and User Assistance-related projects. 12/22/04
Susan Michalak
Interaction Designer
HIDC '94-'97, CPU Software '97-'99. Apple Trackpad I & II, Hollywood, PowerBook G3, docking stations, PowerBook control panels, Apple Airport, USB and Firewire guidelines. Susan worked at Intel (from '99 to mid-'01) on wireless networking (Bluetooth and 802.11b) and usability measurement tools. Susan now works as a consultant. She lives with her husband and two cats in Portland. 1/21/02
Dana Schneider Miller
User Experience Research Manager, Yahoo! Inc.
Intern, Summer 1995, HIDC, worked on text-to-speech in ATG Manage the User Experience & Research group, which supports the usability and field study research for all of Yahoo!'s U.S. .com products. 11/6/00
Justin Miller
Director, UI Design
ABS and HIDC as intern from '93-95. Then HIDC as a real employee until late '97, worked on Cyberdog primarily, also other internet products and Rhapsody. Heading up the UI group at eBay - always looking to hire great designers. 5/6/03
Mark Miller
Learning Technologies

866-801-8667 (fax)
I joined ATG in June, 1988 to begin a project called Business Learning Research. At various times I managed larger groups and served as Director of a lab which focused on learning in a variety of contexts. I left in May, 1997. President and Executive Director of The Miller Institute for Learning with Technology (dba learningtech.org). We help school districts, non-profits, and educational technology vendors with: technology plan preparation; staff development; network design, implementation, and troubleshooting; and grant applications. 12/28/04
Mike Mills
Director (design), Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning
650.207.5999 (cell)
1989 - 94. HIG: Headed Dynamic Documents project that pioneered digital video and utlimately became QuickTime. Original QuickTime team: Lead designer of the HI; other projects included Virtual 3D Scenes and Interactive QuickTime. At Stanford since 2001. Writing research grants, doing lots of design and prototyping. Teaching classes on Interaction Design. Contemplating yet another startup (will be my fifth). Living aboard a sailboat since 2000. 12/22/04
Elizabeth Robinson Moller
Apple History: Finder HI person after John Sullivan. Worked on much of the original Finder and Appearance design that went into System 8. Currently a part-time consultant, working with lots of former Apple HI folks! 7/12/04
Joy Mountford
  Now at Interval 11/14/97
Bonnie Nardi
Worked in ATG from 1993-97 on Data Detectors, the Lincoln High Digital Photography CD-ROM, and Teaching Digital Photography for High School teachers, an online course. I am at AT&T Labs in Menlo Park, working on social networks in the workplace, including a desktop redesign based on the user's social network called ContactMap. Latest book: Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart, with Vicki O'Day, MIT Press, 1999. 12/27/01
Per Ørum Nielsen

'92-'99 Mac OS HI Now at Qualcomm working on BREW. 7/2/02
Don Norman
Apple Fellow, 1993-97. User Experience Architect, 1993-96. Vice President, ATG/Apple Labs, 1996-97. Don has veered away from the emphasis on UI and is now arguing for pleasure and enjoyment, not just utility and usability. He serves on multiple advisory boards, teaches at Northwestern and Stanford, and is active with his company, the Nielsen Norman group. His latest book is "Emotional Design". 12/22/04
Dan O'Sullivan
Intern during the summer of 1991. Worked with the Quicktime team developing "Navigable Movies" (QTVR). In a desperate attempt to become Mike Mills, I went back to teach at NYU. 2/19/03
Kerry Ortega
Human Interface Design
HIDC - '95-97' HI designer on OpenDoc. HI designer of the quicktime movie/VR part, 3D part, and text part. Unfortunately, Apple killed it in March of 1997. I'm currently a user interface designer at IBM in Raleigh working in the xSeries Server group. I work on the user interface for various Systems Administrator management tools.   1/20/05
Jim Palmer
Instructional Products: HyperScan, HyperCard, Apple Guide; HIDC: Casper, MASH, Copland. Manager of Human Interface at Liberate Technologies doing TV/Web convergence stuff and other information appliances. 12/27/01
Paige K. Parsons
Principal Consultant
Emma Jane Consulting
(650) 368-8684
UI Architect for Apple Dylan (92-95) at the now defunct Cambridge ATG in Cambridge, MA. UI designer at HIDC from 95-96. Initially working with the PowerBook division, and then with the MUSE UI team on internet integration in the MacOS. Consulting on a part-time basis. 11/4/00
Rod Perkins

Lisa '79-'83: LisaDraw, LisaCalc, UI Toolkits, Classcal; ERG '83 Early Apple research group; ATG 87-'92: Spider collaborative work & multimedia network, QuickTime Videoconferencing; PIE '93: Interactive Television, EzTV implementation I am now principle software architect at Canal Plus, a french owned cable company that is trying to introduce ITV into the US market place.We are doing several things that are similar to the EzTV and other early ITV ideas. 7/5/01
Rachel Powers
Human Interface Designer

2001-2003 iTools/.mac & iApps group (Cupertino) and PowerSchool (Folsom). Worked on iTools/.mac, iDVD, PowerSchool, PowerSchool Enterprise and PowerGrade. Human Interface Design Consultant in Chicago, IL. 12/12/03
Eric Quakenbush
Human Interface Designer
Worked in the GFX group in instructional Products from 87-93 as an Interface Designer. Worked on the Macintosh Electronic Tutorials, a myriad of Mac Basics Tours, HyperCard 2.0 Help, HyperScan 2.0 Quakenbush Design now has offices in California and Hawaii and has been specializing in UI and IA design for useful web-based apps and interactiveTV products. 1/23/03
Cordell Ratzlaff
Creative Director, Digital Media
frog design
At Apple '90-'99. Designed interfaces for networking, communications, Internet, and system software products. Managed various human interface groups including N&C, Apple Business Systems, HIDC, HIG. After a three-year tour of duty in the dot-com world, I'm now Creative Director for frog's digital media group; where I lead a team of talented designers creating user interfaces for Web, software, and hardware products. 3/16/03
Michal Anne Rogondino
Chief Creative Officer
Interface designer
Rocket Communications, Inc.
(415)863-0101 x31
Intern '89 - '90 with GFX, Pink, Blue (Color Map, icons, etc...). UI & VI design consultant '90 - '97 for Merlin HR tool, Powerbook Group (Control Strip, File Assistant...), Future Share, MacTV, & many others... Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Rocket Communications
(Rocket), Graphical User Interface (GUI) design studio for Fortune 500
and smaller companies, including AOL, Autodesk, Cisco, eBay, HP,
Motorola, PalmSource, Sun.
Janice Anne Rohn
Manager, Usability Labs and Services
Macintosh HIG '90-'92--usability engineer and designer on System 7.0, QuickTime, Quadras, Powerbooks. Also created an interface class for AppleU. Started Usability Engineering group at Sun, designed and built usability labs in Mountain View, Menlo Park, and Colorado. Offer usability and design services across Sun and also for outside Sun customers. 11/4/00
Arlo Rose
Interaction and Visual Designer

'93 - '97, HIDC and HIT: Helped create prototypes for future technologies. Was HI Lead on Theme based Appearance and, Mac OS 8 Appearance and Toolbox projects. Designed the Mac OS 8.5 aural interface. At Eazel, Inc. making Linux a desktop OS that surpasses the Mac and Windows in both usability and innovation. Previously founded AnyKids, an educational startup, and co-created Kaleidoscope, one of the top five most popular Macintosh utilities of all time. 8/23/00
Daniel M. Russell
User Experience in the large;
Joined Apple ATG in July 1993 to work on intelligent agents and UIs. Set up the User Experience Research group in mid-1994 and managed it until March, 1997 when I formed the Knowledge Management Technology lab. Dan has inherited the mantle of Spohrer and Selker: he manages, wrangles & coordinates the work of the User Sciences & Experience Research (USER) group at IBM's Almaden Research Center. 12/28/01
Harry Saddler
Interaction Designer
510.540.7269 (h)
ATG: User Experience Research group; ATG Design Research group; User Experience Architect's Office; Manager of Apple Design Project '94, '95, '96. Developer Press Electronic Media Group (Making It Macintosh HI CD). Internet Services Architect for Sun Microsystems, San Francisco -- inventing the future of web services. 4/4/02
Gitta Salomon
Interaction Designer
415.391.0271 (fax)
HIG August 1987 through November 1993. Projects included: demos for the first Apple CD-ROM player, color neural net, "Rosebud" (precursor to AppleSearch), "Sybil" - future desktop interfaces, "EWig" - adaptive interfaces. Gitta is currently principal of Swim Interaction Design Studio, a design consultancy, based in San Francisco. 10/5/98
Amy Satran
interface & information design
415 586 6525
Instructional Products, '87-'92. Wrote Mac tutorials & reference materials in various media. "Experimental" documentation. Managing Director, Ignition, Inc., San Francisco. We're an interactive product design firm that specializes in solving complex communication/ interactive design problems for clients in business, education, and the nonprofit sector. 8/16/99
Sara Sazegari
Sr. Human Factors Specialist

650 944-2938
ATG, HIG 1988 - 1992. Taligent 1992 - 1995. Independant consultant 1995 - 1996. HIDC 1996-1997 Left WebMD in February of 2001. Currently at Intuit, since March 2001 8/6/01
Kurt Schmucker
Director, Desktop Products, Connectix
Scientific Computing Project '88-92. ATG HIG '92-94. ATG Applications Technology Group '94-96. Learning Technology Group '97-'98. K-12 Education Marketing, '98-'00. Director of Product Management for Desktop Products at Connectix since Jan '00. Released Virtual PC for Mac (v5.0) in December 2001, and Virtual PC for Windows (v4.0) in June 2001. www.connectix.com 12/27/01
Geoff Schuller
User Interface Designer
I joined the OpenDoc Design team in 1995, released OpenDoc 1.0, designed several OpenDoc "parts" (Draw, Sound, ImageViewer) and worked w/ lots of other great folks throughout all of Apple. Currently at FileMaker, Inc designing the next-generation FileMaker Pro products. Prior to my current job (and since Apple), I've worked at Claris, Adobe, Flashpoint and Calico Commerce. 12/28/01
Eduardo Sciammarella
Senior Interface Designer
212-833-6420 (phone)
212-833-6426 (fax)
  Sony Design Center
126 5th Ave. 2nd flr
NY NY, 10011
Royston Sellman
Motorcycle Mechanic
w:+44 (0)117 992 8472
h:+44 (0)114 266 0907
'93-'97 Projects: SK8: mondo programming leviathan (Apple's attempt to boost semiconductor RAM industry); Catalyst: <secret purpose> app (so good the press got screen dumps before we even built it); Lens: World's largest (and best) AppleScript. HP Labs, Bristol, UK. Working on portable internet gadgets. But HP make those defibrillator things they have in 'ER' so I'm trying for a transfer. 1/10/98
Lynn Shade
HIG '95 to '97. Japan liaison working with Apple Tech on Kotoeri (Japanese Input Method), Korean and Chinese Input Method research, Japanese theme project, etc.. Claris '92 to '95. Managing International UI Design at Adobe Systems. 5/26/04
Mark Shurtleff
Interaction Design
FileMaker Interaction Designer for 1 year. Worked on UI for FileMaker Pro5, FileMaker Server, FileMaker 5 Unlimited Servlet, and FileMaker futures prototype. I am now a member of the user experience group at PeopleSoft -- Oracle as of Dec 28, 2004 -- in Pleasanton CA 12/22/04
Michael Elliot Silver
At Apple 89-95. Designed the UI for AppleLink 6.0 and 6.1. Did design work on eWorld. Design work praised by Don Norman. Wrote book "Inside CCL." Managed AppleLink Development, International Software Development, and Communications and Connectivity Engineering groups. See more at http://www.silvers.org/resume.html. CIO of the Portola Group, Inc. (www.portolagroup.com) Founder, acting CIO of NetLens, Inc. (www.netlens.com) 1/17/00
Nancy Silver
Interaction Designer
408 733 3500
ATG User Experience Group 94-95. Projects: Trimline, a hardware-software integration research project; Timestore, a time-based visualization of email. Currently a principal at Nectarine Design, an independent design consultancy offering UI and visual design for software and the web. 7/17/01
Melissa Sleeter
Interaction Designer
Instructional Products 1992-1996. HIDC 1996-1997. Dishing up quality HI for Apple Server products since 1997: QuickTime Streaming Server, Xsan, and several generations of Mac OS X Server. Senior Designer for Apple's iServers Human Interface Group. 7/27/04
Ian Small
Apple '89-'95. HIG '89-'93: animation at the interface, QuickTime, digital cameras/Ansel, iTV, adaptive interfaces/eWig, SweetPea UI (on loan to PIE). QuickTime VR '94-'95: Turned vision into reality, shipped v1.0, and left soon after. Now Vice President, Products at Mark Logic Corporation, a startup trying to do for document content what the relational database does for tables. 10/8/04
David C. Smith   Now at Stagecast Software, which is producing a commercial product based on Cocoa (aka KidSim). See http://www.stagecast.com. 11/14/97
Mitch Stein
Professional Dreamer
(415) 552-8251 (mobile)
(415) 577-5029
Mac Developer '84-'93. Director, Human Interface Technologies '93-'96 (Included HI Design Center & HI Product Center [Finder, Chooser, Installer, etc.], Cyberdog, Speech Products, Jonathan, Program Director for Edison OS, ...) At SteinDesign. 2/1/04
Paulien Strijland
Sr. Director of Engineering
650 854 7567 (h)
1989-1997 HIDC. Worked in various capacities, managing HIDC for many years. Helped ship many products, including all OS releases from 7.0 through 8.5. Director User Experience Design and Quality Management from 1997 - 1999. Sr. Director of Engineering at Netflip, a web-based direct marketing company. Enjoying life at a start-up and learning lots about advertising. 10/20/02
John Sullivan
At Apple '88 - '92. Scott Jenson and I were the two founding members of System Software HIG, later known as HIDC. Worked on innumerable aspects of System 7 HI, especially Finder. After leaving Apple, designed & implemented software at General Magic, Electric Communities, WebTV, and Eazel, Inc. Now back at Apple working on Sooper Sekrit Stuff. 12/30/01
Dag Svanaes
Assistant Professor
In the fall of '96 I was a visiting scholar at Apple ATG in Sphorer/Cypher's group during a sabbatical. I was originally invited in by Stephanie Houde. I did work related to KidSim, SK8, and on the phenomenology of interaction. I'm an assistant professor in Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. I teach Interaction Design and Object-Oriented Programming. My professional interests, besides phenomenology, are Tangible User Interfaces and End-User Programming. 4/23/99
Stan Taylor
650-944-6967 (w)
I started in '96 with HIDC. I worked on HI for system software from OS 7.6
through OS X 10.3.
Currently working on QuickBooks at Intuit, enjoying a great user centered
design focus and working with former colleagues from Apple and IBM, and
Larry Tesler
Lisa Applications Mgr '80-'82; User Interface Council Chair '81-'82; Founding VP ATG '86-'90; VP Newton/PIE '90-'93; Chief Scientist '93-'97; AIS/eWorld CTO '95; VP AppleNet '96; 'Final VP, ATG, '97. VP of Shoping Experience at Amazon.com.. 1/26/03
Bruce Tognazzini
Web Design
Apple History: Employee #66. July, 1978, to March, 1992. Started hi design, hi testing, hi group. Published 40+ applications. Wrote various manuals and books. Last job: Human Interface Evangelist. Principal, Nielsen Norman Group. Publisher, www.asktog.com 10/3/00
Michael W. Tschudy
User Experience & Product Strategy Consultant

ATG: '93 Personal Apple Library; Apple Soft: '93 Graphing Calculator, Installer; ATG: '93-'97 Frogger, India Healthcare Project Providing UE/Product Design and Management Strategy consulting to a variety of companies in the Networking, Enterprise and Consumer Markets. 4/14/04
Jeff Tycz
Visual and Interaction design. Macintosh HIG Intern, Summer '92, ATG HIG Intern '93, Consultant to Apple with Alben+Faris '92-'96, Quicktime VR & AHIG '96-'97. A principal at Nectarine Design, an independent design consultancy offering UI and visual design services for software and the Web. Projects range from marketing/promotional Web sites to task oriented applications. 8/20/01
Leslie Carlson Vaughan
User Interface Designer
Worked 2 years at Claris as a Visual Interface designer. Worked primarily on Claris Home Page, among other projects. Continued to work at FileMaker Inc., left July 1998. Working on a start up opportunity in addition to UI consulting. 1/20/00
Gina (nee Dan) Venolia
Interaction Designer
Fifteen years at Apple. Shipped LisaTerminal, developed Mac mouse acceleration algorithms, lead Apple Game Sprockets. Lots of 3D work, including Toy Box and QD3D UI Guidelines. Pen Mac (Rosetta). ATG '83-'95, HIG '92-'94 (?). Started at Microsoft Research in October '98 in the Speech group. Now working on social computing and communication interfaces. 11/10/00
Harry Vertelney
Sun Labs Individual Contributor
Individual Contributor and Manager in ATG 1985 thru 1992. Spider (multimedia collab. computing), Smartifacts (task specific computing), Talk To My House, Created Applications Laboratory 1987, Systems Technology Group DARPA-HPCS Program - part of the administration and operations team. HPCS is about high productivity computing (aka super computing) though moving ahead, we want to make them easier to program and more available; more productive. 12/22/04
Laurie Vertelney
User Experience Consultant, Vertelney User Experience vertelney@aol.com
650 323-7039
HIG '87-'94; Projects: Scribe (electronic notebook), Ansel (digital
photography), Stamps (interface for tagging), Interfaces for Small Computers.
Since Apple Laurie was a project manager at Interval, started Vertelney User Experience and worked for Microsoft's TV group. She is currently Director of UI at Circumnav Networks, a start up developing a traffic information appliance for commuters. 12/22/04
David Vronay
Research Manager
MSR Asia Center for Interaction Design
1987 to 1992. One of the developers of SK8.  Later moved on to the HyperMovie effort, with Mills, Leo, Stephanie, and Lili. Currently the Research Manager of the Microsoft Research Asia Center for Interaction Design in Beijing, China. Come visit! 11/12/04
Annette Wagner
Human Interface Human

wk: 408.343.1472
The Lisa computer typefaces and iconic language, MacDraw II, the Finder 5.3 through 7.0 alpha HI prototypes, the first One-Button Installer, the Pink team (which later became Taligent), etc. 1981 - 1992. Human Interface Lead for Java 2 Micro Edition - the version of Java targetted at consumer devices. Recent products include the Mobile Information Device Profile, a Java API for writing Java MIDlets that can run on cell phones. 12/24/03
Bill Walker
Research Pianist
Intern in the the Distributed Objects Group (6 months): worked on a framework for building distributed OpenDoc part editors. User Experience Research group (2.5 years): built groupware prototypes using AppleScript, C++, and Java. Now at Reactivity, the leading provider of deployment infrastructure used by enterprises to realize the promise of Web services. 12/22/04
Todd Warfel
Principal User Experience Architect
(607) 339-9640
Consulted on Apple's QuickTime gallery Web site. Principal User Experience Architect at Message First - a small consulting firm in NY specializing in user research, information architecture, interaction / interface design, and usability. Give us a call. 10/14/03
Tim Wasko
Visual Interaction Designer
Came over from NeXT in '97, Web Applications group. HIG '97-'00: Worked on Rhapsody, OS X DP1 through DP4 , Public Beta. Visual design of Quicktime 4.0 and iMovie 2.0. Apple Applications Group '00-present: Design Manager for iLife (iTunes, iDVD, iMovie, iPhoto and GarageBand) and iPod. 10/17/04
Kathleen Watson
Interface Designer
Claris Interface Design Group - July '96 to May 98. Lead interaction designer for FileMaker. (Left FileMaker to work for Lotus and Financial Engines '98-'99. Returned again to FileMaker end of '99.) Interface Design Group Manager at FileMaker 1/11/00
Kate Withey
UI & Graphic Design
+1 415.317.7133
Apple 83-87: Lisa, Mac tech writer, member original HIG -- UI Guidelines, product development work Independant graphic & interaction design consultant in the Bay Area; lots of phone/hand-held/wireless work (check out my tiny Palm maps & icons in my web site). 1/13/05
Irene Wong
UI Director, Applications
Usability & Interface Design
Irene is having a great time at Oracle, which turns out to be much more than a database company. Her function focuses on developing end-user web applications for enterprises. 9/11/00
Yin Yin Wong
Member of HIG ATG 1989-1993. Projects: dynamic document, interfaces for designers, future desktop intefaces, adaptive interfaces, gesture feedback. Working as a user interaction design consultant in the Bay Area as a principal of Visible Research Office. 12/17/03
Dave Yost
UE-driven architecture, information design
1993-1997 ATG including SK8 and UER. Championed ease of use through automating system administration and taking reliability seriously. Lately doing Java Swing work, licensing a couple of UI improvements, and helping out at a new processor chip startup. 12/22/04
Gary Young
Web & Interaction Design
HIG Intern '92 - '94; ATG '95 - '97. Projects: You Do the Voodoo (experimental interactive experience), Catalyst (multimedia pre-production tool), Lens (community intranet) I'm now at Democracy Data and Communications in Alexandria, VA as a web/UI designer. 10/14/03
Scott Yu
Visual Designer
(408) 393-9558
FileMaker visual designer for 1 1/2 years. Designed icons, splash screens, some UI, and content for FileMaker Pro 5, FileMaker Pro Developer, FileMaker Pro Server 5, and FileMaker Pro Unlimited. I am now at WebEx.com as visual designer. 11/6/03



The Apple Human Interface Community at Apple

It is useful for visitors to know that there are/were several centers of Apple HI folks, along with smaller groups and individuals scattered around the company.

History: Human Interface work at Apple dates back to before 1980, according to Apple lore. In 1980 Larry Tesler and colleagues arrived from Xerox PARC, and work commenced on the Lisa and its interface with Tesler, Bill Atkinson, and many others taking part. Sometime later the Macintosh project started, initially under the leadership of Jef Raskin. Towards the end of the 80's the Newton project started; it was initially targeted at a large screen pen computer.

By the late 80's, the major centers of HI Activity were as follows:

HIG: The Human Interface Group,which began in Systems Software in about 1986, and moved to ATG (the Advanced Technology Group [really more of a division, with 100-150 people]) in 1988 where it developed new interface concepts and prototypes for advanced technologies. HIG was managed for most of its history by Joy Mountford, and was disbanded in 1993, with many members leaving Apple, and the remainder being distributed amongst ATG labs. (This HIG is not to be confused with the current HIG which is the descendent of HIDC (below).)

Post-HIG HI Groups in ATG: The User Experience Architects' Office (UEAO) headed by Don Norman was formed in spring of '93 shortly before the demise of HIG. When Don became VP of ATG, the UEAO merged with some other HI folks in ATG and became the User Experience Lab (UEL) headed by Austin Henderson, which later morphed into the Discourse Architecture Lab (DAL), which in turn morphed into Pliant Research after the lab was laid off in early 1997. The post-UEAO period saw the arrival of Dan Russell and the formation of the User Experience Research (UER) group, which survived the demise of DAL to become the final center of HI in ATG until the dissolution of ATG in late '97 (most of UER moved, as a group, to PARC).

HIT: The Human Interface Technology Center was directed by Mitch Stein. It included HIDC (which I believe preceded it) and the HI Product Center. UAD: User-Aided Design. A subset (and possibly predecessor) of HIDC. Claris Interaction Design Group. Started sometime in the early 90's, the Claris group is (of course) responsible for designing Claris products. It was managed by Terri Ducay, and a subset of this group survived the transition to Filemaker, Inc, in 1998.

HIDC (aka HIG): The Human Interface Design Center. HIDC is responsible for most of the systems software product-oriented interface work at Apple, including System 7, System 8, and OpenDoc. HIDC was first managed by Bob Glass (before it was HIDC, actually), then by Tom Gomoll, and then, for many years by Paulien Strijland, then by Cordell Ratzlaff and is now managed by Don Lindsay.

HI/NC: Founded in 1989 by Pat Holleran, this HI group was part of the Networking and Communications division and, of course, provided support for various N&C projects. It was managed by Pat Holleran for several years, and then by Cordell Ratzlaff. The A/UX group was subsequently merged into it, and it was combined with HIDC circa 1993 in one of the periodic reorg/layoffs.

Current Status of HI at Apple: According to the latest reports from inside Apple as of Winter/Spring 2002:

"Three HI groups support: Mac OS X (Aqua), Server Administration, and Applications ("iApps")."


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